Everything you’ve been told about personas is stupid and insulting. But that’s because they come from your brain, and we’re all a little racist, sexist, homophobic and narcissistic when we describe other people. Oh yeah, I go there...
Humans respond to stories, they respond to emotion -- so make them feel it. Tell the story of the experience or outcome the customer is looking for, right there on your product page, and watch how you can stir them into clicking your CTA buttons.
If leading is the art of getting other people to willingly follow you, then leading thoughts are the key to that persuasion. Not every idea is a good one, or even an average one deserving of attention and resources. Thought leaders say “no” a lot. But they say “yes” more.
Increasingly in sales and marketing, cognitive or behavioral science is playing an important role in understanding how to reach customer where they are and influence their choices. While neuromarketing, like data science, is a relatively new field, when used well it can be a powerful tool.
To wonder how so many people could take their eye off the ball so badly is to mistakenly make a completely understandable assumption: you assume that they saw the ball in the first place.
Does it really matter if you spent an hour finding the perfect post to share or a piece of software did it? As long as you’re engaging your community around it, getting counter-opinions and discussing those, too…why does it matter that a piece of software found the content for you?
Understanding who your customers are, why they use your product and why they like it can help you develop messaging that speaks to those feelings, and lets your customers know you’re on their side. You’re not selling a product to them, you’re sharing your thoughts on how difficult their work is, and how you can help them achieve their goals.